Digital Democracy:
Bridging Theory and Practice

1st Conference of the European Network for Digital Democracy
Tuesday 9 to Thursday 11 of April 2024
Rotterdam (The Netherlands)

Aims & Scope of the Conference 

In recent years, digital democracy has become a subject of academic research and is being put into practice around the world. However, the scientific investigations and practices of digital democracy are currently still living mostly in separate universes. The aim of this conference is to further advance digital democracy, by bringing together academics and practitioners actively working on or with digital democracy. This way we want to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange. 

In line with this aim, the conference will feature contributed talks, a variety of social and interactive sessions (networking, round-table discussions,demo sessions etc.), and both academic and non-academic keynote speakers, such as Markus Brill (University of Warwick), Corinne Cath (Delft University of Technology, University of Cambridge), Fabrizio Gilardi (Digital Democracy Lab, University of Zurich), Carolina Plescia (University of Vienna), and Simon Strohmenger (CONSUL, Mehr Demokratie).

Call for Contributions 

We are opening two tracks for selected contributions at the conference: the talks track and the demos track. If you are an academic or a practitioner whose work is related to digital democracy, we invite you to submit a one-page description/abstract by 1 February 2024 to either of our tracks:

Submissions can be made via Oxford Abstracts here.

We welcome contributions from both academics and practitioners on any of the following topics, in relation to digital democracy: online deliberation, liquid democracy, the public sphere, apps and tools for online decision-making, machine learning, crowdsourcing, the digital divide, participatory budgeting, computational social choice, digital identities, social media, popular will, cryptocurrencies & blockchain, secrecy vs. publicity of votes and opinions. We particularly welcome submissions by students and early career scholars or practitioners.   

Contributions will be selected on the basis of their connection to EDDY’s goals, with an eye toward the conference’s multi-, cross-disciplinary target audience and the diversity of projects and contributors. Depending on the number of submissions, some contributions may be selected for a poster presentation instead. Notification of acceptance will be sent by 15 February 2024.

Important Dates

Submission Link